U60 Preview: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/update-60-preview-1-machrotechnic.1498/
U60 Monster AI Changes: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lammania-preview-1-monster-ai-changes.1215/
U60 Harbor Tavern Update: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lammania-preview-1-harbor-tavern-updates.1487/
U60 Rune Arm Shot Changes: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lamannia-preview-1-rune-arm-shot-changes.1495/
Machrotechnic Epic Destiny: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lamannia-preview-1-machrotechnic-epic-destiny.1494/
U60 Dungeon Alert Changes: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lammania-preview-1-dungeon-alert-changes.1216/
U60 XP debacle (its pretty not good): https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lammania-preview-1-xp-system-adjustments.1213/
U60 Preview of Preview 2 Lammania XP Changes: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-preview-of-preview-2-lammania-xp-changes.1535/
Nim Notes
Fridays @ 4
- Cordovan and Steelstar had a chat about Machrotechnic, Rune Arms
- Speed Drive will also include Doublestrike
- Armor of Legends is bugged on Lamannia and should last longer
- Machrotechnic is a arcane destiny with a martial past life
- Stay tuned for sonic rune arms!
- There is discussion on the placing of max caster level in epic destiny abilities, but there isnt anything about going back to the old epic destinies
- Maybe things about arty dogs, druid dogs and etc in epic destinies in the near future but not in Machrotechnic.
- Cordovan showed a graphic for the mini expansion planned to be released in U61
- Lamannia preview 2 of U60 should be next week.
- the week after preview 2 is a week off for 4th of july then a 3rd Lamannia preview for u60.
- DDO store is being worked on!
- Hardcore League reminder! It's still live till July 18th!
The Forums:
- https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/ravager-bug.154/page-5#post-15752
Torc responded to an issue on Lamannia with some barbarian enhancments,
- https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-lammania-preview-1-xp-system-adjustments.1213/page-14#post-14884
Torc and Cordovan responds to everyone's worries about the xp nerf suggestion on this Lamannia preview!
- https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/people-are-reporting-on-discord-that-they-cant-log-into-the-forums.1501/#post-14873
Forum Log In issue has been Resolved!
- https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/i-can-no-longer-purchase-ddo-points-in-the-store.1412/#post-14776
There are people who are expressing issues with buying DDO points, here is a suggestions by Cordovan!
- https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/u60-preview-of-preview-2-lammania-xp-changes.1535/
New XP proposal posted today!
- Rise Again! Get 25% off:
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- The DDO Forums now offer player-selected forum titles! Change it through your profile page: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?account/account-details Might need to refresh your browser cookies to see it display.
- Lamannia is now open with a first look at Macrotechnic, Rune Arm changes and more! Read more in the Lamannia forums: https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/update-60-preview-1-macrotechnic.1498