Someone asked for a melee build for many past lives, so I thought I'd share my 'forever'-reincarnating dragonlord. Well not forever, but I've been doing 15 or so lives with it already, and still have 30 to go.
18 Strength
18 Constitution
11 Dex
9 Int
(chaotic neutral)
1: THF + Tactical Aura
2: Power Attack (I prefer this over Precision for 1-19)
3: Dodge
4: Mobility
6: iTFH + Whirlwind
8: Damage Aura
9: Stunning Blow (I still use a keen weapon at 9)
10: Improved Critical
12: gTHF + 6 Tactical DC
14: Heavy Armor 12 PRR/MRR
15: Heavy Armor 9 PRR/MRR
16: MP Aura
18: 8 Tactical DC + Weapon Focus
20: Weapon Specialization
At 20, featswap Power Attack to Precision (this is the reason for 11 dex, so you can do that with a lvl2 feat)
21: Overwhelming Critical
22: pTHF
24: Patience
25: Doublestrike (well this is controversial. Crush Weakness is also great and you can't get both eventually)
27: Greater Weapon Specialization
28: Harbinger of Chaos (better than doublestrike or crush weakness)
Enhancements: with a useless race I do:
41 Dragonlord
31 Stalwart Defender
7 Ravager (3x power attack, 2x extra action)
3 Harper (at least 1 for an easy +1dmg, but if you have 2 universal points, also take tier1 +1 enhancement bonus to weapon)
But your race usually offers something better, in that case stick to 25 stalwart defender (10% HP, 10% runspeed, 6 con)
6 points in jump
max tumble
from level 5 onwards, max umd
with 9 int, an +8 tome with increases will conveniently get tumble to 23 and umd to 11 like this.