Everything New In DDO 2023 by Strimtom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVOoPSLXnP0
Everything New In DDO 2023
- No new race this year.
- VIP rewards plan is for a growing reward based on how long you sub for once a month.
- There is two new raids, one with mini expansion and one in Q3
- UI scaling has been pushed back to focus on VIP rewards. There is issues with the art in the game with scaling.
- Character model revamp later this year or early next year. Modernizing older character models.
- Working on 2 factor authentication is waiting on work on the DDO store which will allow them to work on the launcher.
- A huge lag patch is coming later this year.
- Reaper system will be changed from trees to a system that rewards the amount of points you have, that can be shared with other party members. You'll receive rewards and maybe even bonuses every reaper point milestone.
- They are not touching AC.
- They are aware of the imbue dice threat problem, they are working on it.