A DPS tank, Dra(h)g...
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A DPS tank, Dra(h)gon inspired!

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DPS tank

This build is based off of Strimtom's build found here https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads%2Fbasic-dragonlord-build-to-get-started.10120%2F#post-106500 and just made it more tanky. Drahgon was the first to try a tanky version of this that I know of and after seeing  him play his version of it and talking with him I made one as well.  Drahgon is a excellent tank to have when you need a tank, and contributes very well to the party's DPS.

This is my version of Drahgon's build.

For comparison here are key stats from BoloGrubb Trapping tank against Gijo Dps tank with trapping. I am twaeaking this build everytime I TR it. I am about to start my third version of it. Each time it is just some minor tweaks.

Bolo - level 34 - 12 fighter/ 5 paladin/ 3 artificer
Attack speed = 15%
Doublestrk = 23%
Melee Power = 151
Heal amp = 318
AC = 517
Dodge = 27%
fort = 376%
PRR = 398
MRR = 253
Incorp = 10%
Conceal = 25%
Eff Hitpoints = 66,522
Threat Gen = 1,533

Gijo - level 34 1 rogue/3 bard/ 16 Dragon Lord
Attack speed = 45%
Doublestrk = 71%
Melee Power = 216
Heal amp = 160
AC= 370
Dodge = 28%
Fort = 360%
PRR = 329
MRR = 100
Incorp= 10%
Conceal = 50%
Eff Hitpoints = 61,913
Threat Gen= 1,170

Much of the DPS is generated with Swashbuckling requiring the use of Light Armor. For Greater Single weapon fighting you do need a 7 balance, I am able to get that because of tomes and only 4 points spent on the Balance Skill. You might need to put more points in Balance, just something to be aware of. I am still playing around with skill points and where to spend them. UMD is a problem in heroics, but once you get into epics you end up with more then enough UMD.

You can trap on this build but will need a good trapping item or two for swapping when getting traps. I use a Legendary Greensteel Intelligence skills item (+39 to Disable and search) with the SpyGlass from Crystal Cove (Level 32 insightful Intelligence +6, Exceptional Astute skills +10, and slotted with a diamond of Inteigence +14).

I have also spent 6 skill points into Perform so I can sing Bardic Inspiration, giving +4 to all skills (trapping, search, etc) may or mat not be needed depending on your trapping items. Since there is no risk to failing an open lock, I only spent 7 ranks there and use a Legendary Greensteel Dex skills item (+39 to Open locks).

I can get my disable device to 134, search to 137 and open lock to 90

The Build files can be found on my Discord channel. 

Both build files have gear listed as well using the DDO Builder V2 found here. https://forums.ddo.com/index.php?threads/ddo-character-planner-ddobuilder-version-2.554/

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Character name: 
Classes: 16 Dragon Lord, 10 Epic, 4 Legendary, 3 Bard, 1 Rogue
Race: Shadar-Kai           Alignment: True Neutral

     Start Tome Final      HP:       4297      Displacement:   50%
Str:    16    8    71      Unc Rng:   -90      Incorp:         10%
Dex:    14    8    38      PRR:       314      AC:             274
Con:    16    8    69      MRR:   148/100      +Healing Amp:   167
Int:    16    8    51      Dodge:   26/26      -Healing Amp:     0
Wis:    10    8    29      Fort:     344%      Repair Amp:       0
Cha:     6    8    40      SR:          0      BAB:             23
Immunities: Fear, Knockdown, Death Effects, Most forms of Knockdown, Energy Drain, Falling Damage, Freedom of Movement, Falling damage, Drowning, Falling damage

Class and Feat Selection
|Level|Class          |Feats                                                  |
|1    |Rogue(1)       |Standard: Single Weapon Fighting                       |
|2    |Bard(1)        |                                                       |
|3    |Bard(2)        |Standard: Combat Expertise                             |
|4    |Bard(3)        |Strength: +1 Level up                                  |
|5    |Dragon Lord(1) |Minor Draconic Aura: Thraxata's Instinct               |
|6    |Dragon Lord(2) |Standard: Skill Focus: Intimidate                      |
|     |               |Fighter Bonus Feat: Shield Mastery                     |
|7    |Dragon Lord(3) |                                                       |
|8    |Dragon Lord(4) |Fighter Bonus Feat: Improved Single Weapon Fighting    |
|     |               |Strength: +1 Level up                                  |
|9    |Dragon Lord(5) |Standard: Improved Trip                                |
|10   |Dragon Lord(6) |Fighter Bonus Feat: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons|
|11   |Dragon Lord(7) |                                                       |
|12   |Dragon Lord(8) |Standard: Improved Shield Mastery                      |
|     |               |Major Draconic Aura: Velah's Fury                      |
|13   |Dragon Lord(9) |                                                       |
|14   |Dragon Lord(10)|Fighter Bonus Feat: Greater Single Weapon Fighting     |
|15   |Dragon Lord(11)|Standard: Greater Shield Mastery                       |
|16   |Dragon Lord(12)|Fighter Bonus Feat: Tactical Master                    |
|17   |Dragon Lord(13)|                                                       |
|18   |Dragon Lord(14)|Standard: Toughness                                    |
|     |               |Fighter Bonus Feat: Tactical Combatant                 |
|19   |Dragon Lord(15)|                                                       |
|20   |Dragon Lord(16)|Superior Draconic Aura: The Truthful One's Might       |
|21   |Epic(1)        |Epic Feat: Bulwark of Defense                          |
|22   |Epic(2)        |Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting      |
|23   |Epic(3)        |                                                       |
|24   |Epic(4)        |Epic Feat: Tactical Supremacy                          |
|25   |Epic(5)        |Epic Destiny Feat: Doublestrike                        |
|26   |Epic(6)        |                                                       |
|27   |Epic(7)        |Epic Feat: Eerie Aim                                   |
|28   |Epic(8)        |Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Shield Mastery              |
|29   |Epic(9)        |                                                       |
|30   |Epic(10)       |Epic Feat: Epic Toughness                              |
|     |               |Legendary Feat: Scion of Arborea                       |
|31   |Legendary(1)   |Epic Destiny Feat: Deific Warding                      |
|32   |Legendary(2)   |Strength: +1 Level up                                  |
|33   |Legendary(3)   |Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction                       |
|34   |Legendary(4)   |Epic Destiny Feat: Legendary Toughness                 |

Skill Points     44 10 10 10  6  6  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  8  8  8  8  8  8
Skill Name       01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  Ranks Tome Buffed
Balance           4                                                             4.0    5   43.0
Bluff                                                                           0.0    5   62.0
Concentration                                                                   0.0    5   50.0
Diplomacy                                                                       0.0    5   63.0
Disable Device    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0    5   73.0
Haggle                                                                          0.0    5   59.0
Heal                                                                            0.0    5   33.0
Hide                                                                            0.0    5   42.0
Intimidate        4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0    5  107.0
Jump              4                                                             4.0    5   55.0
Listen                                                                          0.0    5   33.0
Move Silently                                                                   0.0    5   41.0
Open Lock         4  1  1  1                                                    7.0    5   48.0
Perform           2  2  2                                                       6.0    5   68.0
Repair                                                                          0.0    5   45.0
Search            4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0    5   81.0
Spellcraft                                                                      0.0    5   48.0
Spot              4        1  ½  ½  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1         18.0    5   59.0
Swim              4                                                             4.0    5   74.0
Tumble            4                                                             4.0    5   43.0
Use Magic Device  4                                         ½  ½  ½  ½ 1½ 1½    9.0    5   51.0
Available Points  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0

Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 16, Universal 2
Shadar-Kai - Points spent: 18
Core1 Grit
Core2 Ability I: Intelligence
Tier1 Vicious Chain
Tier1 Keen Senses - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Forceful Chain
Tier2 Ghostly Essence - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Improved Ghostly Essence - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Ghastly Chain
Tier4 Greater Spiked Chain Attack
Tier4 Assassin's Mark
Stalwart Defender - Points spent: 28
Core1 Toughness
Tier1 Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Stalwart Defensive Mastery - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Stalwart Shield Mastery - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Improved Stalwart Defense II: Inciting Defense - 3 Ranks
Core2 Stalwart Defense
Tier3 Improved Stalwart Defense III: Resilient Defense - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Greater Stalwart Defense I: Hardy Defense - 3 Ranks
Core3 Overbalance
Core4 Stand Fast
Tier4 Greater Stalwart Defense II: Strong Defense - 3 Ranks
Tier4 Reinforced Defense I: Reinforced Armor - 3 Ranks
Dragon Lord - Points spent: 36
Core1 Draconic Soul: Soul of the Blue Dragon
Tier1 Dragon's Protection I
Tier1 Battlefield Tactician I
Tier1 Martial Superiority: Dragon Lord: Martial Superiority: Strike Twice - 3 Ranks
Core2 Draconic Arms
Tier2 Dragon's Protection II
Tier2 Battlefield Tactician II
Tier2 Draconic Resilience - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Action Boost: Action Boost: Haste - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Might or Outburst: Might in Order - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Dragon's Roar
Tier3 Battlefield Tactician III
Tier3 Dragon's Protection III
Core3 Reckless Devotion
Tier4 Battlefield Tactician IV
Tier4 Dragon's Protection IV
Tier4 Untouchable Soul
Core4 Conqueror's Command
Tier5 Conqueror - 2 Ranks
Tier5 Flight of Kings
Tier5 Improved Dragon's Roar
Tier5 Tactical Commander
Tier5 Soul Scales
Swashbuckler - Points spent: 13
Core1 Confidence
Tier1 On Your Toes - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Limber Up - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Deflect Arrows
Core2 Swashbuckling
Tier3 Swashbuckling Style: Skirmisher
Tier3 Elegant Footwork
Inquisitive - Points spent: 2
Core1 Inquisitive
Tier1 Inquisitive Skills - 1 Ranks
Warchanter - Points spent: 1
Core1 Skaldic Rage / Skaldic Constitution: Skaldic Constitution
Epic Destinies: 83 Destiny Points
Unyielding Sentinel - Points spent: 43
Core1 Unyielding
Tier1 Brace for Impact - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Attack and Defend - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Shield Prowess - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Knight's Challenge
Tier2 Mantle of the Sentinel
Tier2 Renewal
Core2 Ward Against Darkness
Tier2 Commanding Presence - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Hands of the Sentinel
Tier3 Spark of Life
Core3 Stand Against the Tide
Tier3 Legendary Shield Mastery - 3 Ranks
Core4 Last Hope
Tier4 Endless Vigil - 3 Ranks
Tier4 Hardened - 3 Ranks
Tier4 Divine Bulwark
Tier4 Throw the Boom
Tier5 Deific Resilience
Tier5 Undying Vanguard
Tier5 Strength of Vitality - 3 Ranks
Fury of the Wild - Points spent: 27
Core1 Die Hard
Tier1 Strength or Swiftness: Quick Cutter - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Savage Take Down - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Enduring - 3 Ranks
Core2 Die Harder
Tier2 Primal Scream
Core3 Die Harderest
Tier3 Embrace the Pain - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Wild Weapons: Doublestrike - 3 Ranks
Core4 Be the Whirlwind
Tier4 Wilder Weapons: Wilder Weapons - Doublestrike - 3 Ranks
Tier4 Unquenchable Rage - 3 Ranks
Shadowdancer - Points spent: 13
Core1 The Darkest Luck I
Tier1 Cover of Darkness - 1 Ranks
Tier1 Technician - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Lithe - 3 Ranks
Core2 Step Through Shadows
Tier2 Sleight of Hand - 1 Ranks
Core3 The Darkest Luck
Tier3 Shadowcaster: Shadowstriker
Equipped Gear Set: Standard
|Armor   |Legendary University Bulwark's Reinforced Shirt                  |Drops in: Grand Theft Aureon, End chest                                       |
|        |+15 Enhancement Bonus                                            |                                                                              |
|        |Physical Sheltering +36                                          |                                                                              |
|        |Fortification +153%                                              |                                                                              |
|        |Parrying +6                                                      |                                                                              |
|        |Freedom of Movement                                              |                                                                              |
|        |Lost Purpose: Legendary Armaments of the Archons                 |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Sapphire of Healing Amplification                         |                                                                              |
|        |Colorless: +2 Festive Strength                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Mythic: Mythic Shield Boost                                      |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of Major Strength                              |                                                                              |
|Belt    |Legendary Bladesworn Bandolier                                   |Drops in: The Bark and the Blade, End chest                                   |
|        |Constitution +14                                                 |                                                                              |
|        |Quality Fortification +38%                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Quality Physical Sheltering +8                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Vitality +48                                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Sapphire of Dodge                                         |                                                                              |
|        |Colorless: Diamond of Intelligence                               |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of Unparalleled Might                          |                                                                              |
|        |Legendary Forbidden Knowledge                                    |                                                                              |
|Boots   |Legendary Lightning Railworker's Boots                           |Drops in: Grand Theft Aureon, End chest                                       |
|        |Insightful Constitution +6                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Incite +130%                                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Electric Absorption +36%                                         |                                                                              |
|        |%b1 Elemental Resistance +45                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Essence of the Champion of the Twins                      |                                                                              |
|        |Colorless: Diamond of Intimidate                                 |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of Future Sight                                |                                                                              |
|Bracers |Legendary Fabricator's Bracers                                   |Drops in: Legendary Lord of Blades, End and Optional Chest                    |
|        |Cannith Combat Infusion                                          |                                                                              |
|        |Incite +126%                                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Deadly +11                                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Nearly Finished: +3 Quality Constitution                         |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Sapphire of Greater Heroism                               |                                                                              |
|        |Yellow: Topaz of Feather Fall                                    |                                                                              |
|        |Fastidious Fabricator                                            |                                                                              |
|Cloak   |Page Regalia: Exiled Tactica                                     |Drops in: Fire Over Morgrave, end chest                                       |
|        |Undying +270                                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Profane Combat Mastery +3                                        |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Armor-Piercing +11%                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Legendary Electric Storm                                         |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Sapphire of Armored Agility                               |                                                                              |
|        |Yellow: Topaz of Swiftness                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Mythic: Mythic Power Boost                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of the Depths                                  |                                                                              |
|Gloves  |Legendary Maenya's Iron Fists                                    |Drops in: Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Maenya's Fists|
|        |Strength +14                                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Exceptional Alluring Skills Bonus +10                            |                                                                              |
|        |Physical Sheltering +35                                          |                                                                              |
|        |Resistance Fortitude Save +12                                    |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of the Unstoppable One                         |                                                                              |
|        |Legendary Wrath of Sora Kell                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Legendary Perfected Wrath                                        |                                                                              |
|Goggles |Legendary Goggles of the Warrior                                 |Drops in: Seeds of Decay, end chest                                           |
|        |Doublestrike +16%                                                |                                                                              |
|        |Sight Beyond Sight                                               |                                                                              |
|        |Quality Combat Mastery +3                                        |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Sapphire of Vertigo                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Colorless: Diamond of Insightful Strength                        |                                                                              |
|        |Sun: Solar Gem of Doubleshot (Legendary)                         |                                                                              |
|Helmet  |Legendary University Sentry's Helm                               |Drops in: Paper Trail, End chest                                              |
|        |Resistance +11                                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Fortification +76%                                    |                                                                              |
|        |Shield +14                                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Resistance Natural Armor +14                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of Cruelty                                     |                                                                              |
|Necklace|Legendary War-Rune Pendant                                       |Drops in: Law and Order, End chest                                            |
|        |Combat Mastery +11                                               |                                                                              |
|        |Protection +11                                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Armor-Piercing +22%                                              |                                                                              |
|        |Reflex Save +12                                                  |                                                                              |
|        |Green: +2 Festive Constitution                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Colorless: Diamond of Exceptional Strength                       |                                                                              |
|Quiver  |Quiver of Alacrity                                               |Drops in: Ascension Chamber, Raid Warded chest                                |
|        |Ranged Alacrity +10%                                             |                                                                              |
|Ring1   |Legendary Ring of Unbridled Might                                |Drops in: Astral Ambush, end chest                                            |
|        |Quality Strength +3                                              |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Shatter +7                                            |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Stunning +7                                           |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Accuracy +10                                          |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Sapphire of Accuracy                                      |                                                                              |
|        |Colorless: Globe of True Imperial Blood                          |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of Major Combatant                             |                                                                              |
|Ring2   |Legendary Katra's Razor Wit                                      |Drops in: Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Katra's Wit   |
|        |Charisma +14                                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Alluring Skills Bonus +10                             |                                                                              |
|        |Magical Sheltering +35                                           |                                                                              |
|        |Will Save +12                                                    |                                                                              |
|        |Green: Legendary Wraithborn Emerald                              |                                                                              |
|Trinket |Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone                                 |Drops in: Siegebreaker, end chest                                             |
|        |Insightful Spell Focus Mastery +3                                |                                                                              |
|        |Spell Penetration +9                                             |                                                                              |
|        |Magical Efficiency +10%                                          |                                                                              |
|        |Efficient Metamagic - Embolden II                                |                                                                              |
|        |Blue: Sapphire of Dodge                                          |                                                                              |
|        |Yellow: Topaz of Melee Power                                     |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 6: Snake Bite/Grandfather's Shield +2 Constitution(Rare)|                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 7: Purity/Touch of Grace +20 Healing Amplification(Rare)|                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 8: Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device +6 PRR(Rare)     |                                                                              |
|Weapon1 |Char, the Hellstorm's Edge                                       |Drops in: Fire Over Morgrave, end chest                                       |
|        |Stormreaver's Thunderclap                                        |                                                                              |
|        |Overwhelming Incineration                                        |                                                                              |
|        |3rd Degree Burns                                                 |                                                                              |
|        |Cursed Maelstrom                                                 |                                                                              |
|        |Planar Searing: No Upgrade                                       |                                                                              |
|        |Orange: Deconstructor                                            |                                                                              |
|        |Purple: Ruby of the Endless Night                                |                                                                              |
|        |Sentient Weapon Personality: Sentient Jewel of Blackrazor        |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 1: Snake Bite/Grandfather's Shield +2 Constitution(Rare)|                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 2: Grandfather's Shield: +10 Healing Amplification(Rare)|                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 3: Purity/Touch of Grace +20 Healing Amplification(Rare)|                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 4: Bravery Throughout: +50% Melee Threat(Rare)          |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 5: Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device +6 PRR(Rare)     |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 6: Bravery Throughout: +1 Extra Action Boost(Rare)      |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 7: Unbreakable: +10 Healing Amplification(Rare)         |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 8: Unbreakable: +1 Constitution(Rare)                   |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 9: Unbreakable: +1 Dexterity(Rare)                      |                                                                              |
|        |Filigree 10: Unbreakable: +3 PRR(Rare)                           |                                                                              |
|Weapon2 |Legendary Azure Buckler                                          |Drops in: Party 101, End chest                                                |
|        |Quality Magical Sheltering +8                                    |                                                                              |
|        |Shield Bashing +22%                                              |                                                                              |
|        |Feat - Elusive Target                                            |                                                                              |
|        |Insightful Diversion -10%                                        |                                                                              |
|        |Purple: Sapphire of False Life                                   |                                                                              |
|        |Deck Curse: Curse of Major Sheltering                            |                                                                              |

This topic was modified 8 hours ago 8 times by Gijo
Posted : 10/17/2024 3:29 pm
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

Thanks for sharing, Gijo. I see you've added even more functionality to the Swiss Army Knife. 

Posted : 10/17/2024 4:30 pm