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Dj's ranged high DPS trapper build

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Dj's current augment summons and portal slayer build.  Taken from the 8/8/4   Fighter/Rouge/Arti post and modded to my preferences for augment summons.  I find it is a nice boost in over all DPS to my previous  "Gijo's Racial Reincarnation build" Which was 17/2/1  Rogue/Arti/barbarian.


I also switched to using the Epic Divine Artillery as my primary weapon (great Crossbow) instead of the Epic Fatal Flaw.   The Fatal Flaw is still an excellent choice, i just think Great Crossbow benefit more from Endless Fusilade.


Portal slayer human
8/8/4 Fighter/Rogue/Artificer
True Neutral Human

Level Order

1. Rogue           6. Fighter        11. Fighter        16. Fighter
2. Artificer       7. Fighter        12. Artificer      17. Rogue
3. Artificer       8. Rogue          13. Artificer      18. Fighter
4. Rogue           9. Rogue          14. Rogue          19. Fighter
5. Rogue          10. Fighter        15. Fighter        20. Rogue

               36pt     Tome     Level Up
               ----     ----     --------
Strength         8       +6       4: INT
Dexterity       16       +6       8: INT
Constitution    16       +6      12: INT
Intelligence    18       +6      16: INT
Wisdom           8       +6      20: INT
Charisma         8       +6      24: INT
                                 28: INT

          R  A  A  R  R  F  F  R  R  F  F  A  A  R  F  F  R  F  F  R
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Disable   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Open Lo   4  1  1  1  1  ½  ½  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Search    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Spot      4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Diplo     4        3  1           4              4                 7  23
Balance   4  1  1  1  1        3  1        3  1  1     1  2  1  1  1  23
UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Bluff     4        3  1        1  3              5        2        3  22
Swim      4  1  1  1  1        3  1        1  3  1  1     2           20
Heal      2  ½  ½  ½  ½        1½ ½              ½        3½       1  11
Jump      4        1  3           1                                    9
Tumble    4           2                                                6
Haggle    4                                                            4
         52 10 10 15 15  9  9 16 16 10 10 13 13 17 11 12 18 12 12 18


 1        : Point Blank Shot
 1 Human  : Augment Summoning
 3        : Completionist
 6        : Rapid Shot
 6 Fighter: Dodge
 7 Fighter: Mobility
 9        : Precise Shot
11 Fighter: Precision
12        : Improved Critical: Ranged
13 Arti   : Weapon Focus: Ranged
15        : Improved Precise Shot
16 Fighter: Power Critical
18        : Weapon Specialization: Ranged
19 Fighter: Shot on the Run
21 Epic   : Combat Archery
24 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
26 Destiny: Holy Strike
27 Epic   : Improved Augment Summoning
28 Destiny: Doubleshot
29 Destiny: Harbinger of Chaos
30 Epic   : Greater Weapon Focus: Ranged
30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea


   1.   Conjure Bolts* (2),   Enchant Weapons* (2), Grease (3)
   2.   Admixture: Cure Moderate Wounds* (12), Bull's Strength (13)

Enhancements (80+1 AP)

Mechanic (39 AP)
    • Arbalester, Tanglefoot, Targeting Sights
         1. Sharpshooter, Lacerating Shots III, Mechanics III, Awareness III
         2. Sharpshooter, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
         3. Sharpshooter, Intelligence
         4. Sharpshooter, Fletching III, Intelligence
         5. Sharpshooter, Rapid Fire III, Sniper, Mechanical Reloader

Battle Engineer (27 AP)
    • Battle Engineer, Infused Weapons
         1. Crossbow Training, Field Engineer III
         2. Crossbow Training, Wracking Shot III, Extra Action Boost III
         3. Crossbow Training
         4. Crossbow Training, Endless Fusilade, Agility Engine III

Harper Agent (7 AP)
    • Agent of Good I
         1. Traveler's Toughness II, Strategic Combat
         2. Harper Leadership II

Kensei (7 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Crossbows
         1. Extra Action Boost III

Human (1 AP)
    • Damage Boost

Destiny (24 AP)

Legendary Dreadnought
   1. Extra Action Boost III, Constitution
   2. Damage Boost II, Constitution
   3. Critical Damage III, Constitution
   4. Constitution
   5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical, Constitution
   6. Master's Blitz

Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
   1. Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury)
   2. Otto's Whistler (Tier 3 Shiradi)
   3. Pin (Tier 2 Shiradi)
   4. Stay Frosty (Tier 1 Shiradi)
   5. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
Posted : 11/20/2018 5:45 pm
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

Thanks for posting your build(s), Gijo.

I haven't used my dog much except occasionally to divert attention and to open levers.  Augment Summoning sounds like an interesting feat to play around with to make him more useful.

I noticed you took fighter levels sooner than in your first iteration.  I've been taking Arti for lvls 2, 3, and 4 on my rogue/arti sans ftr to get cure admixture moderate asap, but I guess if I can kill 'em faster, I won't need to heal as much.   😀 

Appreciate your sharing.

Posted : 11/21/2018 4:36 pm
Posts: 505
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ok made some slight changes to this build.   Overall it is a loss of 2 ranged power and a gain of 1 sneak attack die and improved evasion.  Also I went human for the extra feat.  Other races would work just as well.  Simply drop the Augment Summons feat.

4 artifier gets you rune arm use, xbow and greater xbow proficenticy.
*27 AP into battle engineer gets you endless fusilade, 3 additional action boosts, 10% double shot, and damage boost. 

6 fighter gives 4 feets.  Previous build has 8 fighter for 5 extra feats.
* 7 AP into Kensei gives 3 more action boosts.

10 rogue gets you 5 SA dice (5 instead of 4) and the Improved evasion.
* 39 AP into mechanic gives you the t5 enhancments, +15 meter increase to PBS range, and lots of other goodies.

other wise it is the same build as above.  Also I take augments summons feats and enhancements for the fun of them.  you could use 2 feats and some enhancement points to further boost your DPS

Portal Slaying Rogue
10/6/4 Rogue/Fighter/Artificer
True Neutral Human

Level Order

1. Rogue           6. Fighter        11. Fighter        16. Fighter
2. Artificer       7. Fighter        12. Artificer      17. Rogue
3. Artificer       8. Rogue          13. Artificer      18. Rogue
4. Rogue           9. Rogue          14. Rogue          19. Rogue
5. Rogue          10. Fighter        15. Fighter        20. Rogue

               36pt     Tome     Level Up
               ----     ----     --------
Strength         8       +6       4: INT
Dexterity       16       +6       8: INT
Constitution    16       +6      12: INT
Intelligence    18       +6      16: INT
Wisdom           8       +6      20: INT
Charisma         8       +6      24: INT
                                 28: INT

          R  A  A  R  R  F  F  R  R  F  F  A  A  R  F  F  R  R  R  R
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Disable   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Open Lo   4  1  1  1  1  ½  ½  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Search    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Spot      4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Bluff     4        3  1        1  3              5        2  1  1  2  23
Diplo     4        3  1           4              4              1  6  23
Balance   4  1  1  1  1        3  1        3  1  1     1  2  1  1  1  23
Swim      4  1  1  1  1        3  1        1  3  1  1     2  1  1  1  23
Tumble    4           2                                      9  7  1  23
UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Jump      4        1  3           1                          1  2     12
Heal      2  ½  ½  ½  ½        1½ ½              ½        3½       1  11
Haggle    4                                                            4
         52 10 10 15 15  9  9 16 16 10 10 13 13 17 11 12 18 18 18 18


 1        : Point Blank Shot
 1 Human  : Augment Summoning
 3        : Completionist
 6        : Rapid Shot
 6 Fighter: Dodge
 7 Fighter: Mobility
 9        : Precise Shot
11 Fighter: Precision
12        : Improved Critical: Ranged
13 Arti   : Weapon Focus: Ranged
15        : Improved Precise Shot
16 Fighter: Power Critical
18        : Weapon Specialization: Ranged
21 Epic   : Combat Archery
24 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
26 Destiny: Holy Strike
27 Epic   : Improved Augment Summoning
28 Destiny: Doubleshot
29 Destiny: Harbinger of Chaos
30 Epic   : Shot on the Run
30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea

20 Rogue  : Improved Evasion


   1.   Conjure Bolts* (2),   Enchant Weapons* (2), Grease (3)
   2.   Admixture: Cure Moderate Wounds* (12), Bull's Strength (13)

Enhancements (80+1 AP)

Mechanic (39 AP)
    • Arbalester, Tanglefoot, Targeting Sights
         1. Sharpshooter, Lacerating Shots III, Mechanics III, Awareness III
         2. Sharpshooter, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
         3. Sharpshooter, Intelligence
         4. Sharpshooter, Fletching III, Intelligence
         5. Sharpshooter, Rapid Fire III, Sniper, Mechanical Reloader

Battle Engineer (27 AP)
    • Battle Engineer, Infused Weapons
         1. Crossbow Training, Field Engineer III
         2. Crossbow Training, Wracking Shot III, Extra Action Boost III
         3. Crossbow Training
         4. Crossbow Training, Endless Fusilade, Agility Engine III

Harper Agent (7 AP)
    • Agent of Good I
         1. Traveler's Toughness II, Strategic Combat
         2. Harper Leadership II

Kensei (7 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Crossbows
         1. Extra Action Boost III

Human (1 AP)
    • Damage Boost

Destiny (24 AP)

Legendary Dreadnought
   1. Extra Action Boost III, Constitution
   2. Damage Boost II, Constitution
   3. Critical Damage III, Constitution
   4. Constitution
   5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical, Constitution
   6. Master's Blitz

Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
   1. Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury)
   2. Otto's Whistler (Tier 3 Shiradi)
   3. Pin (Tier 2 Shiradi)
   4. Stay Frosty (Tier 1 Shiradi)
   5. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)


Posted : 11/25/2018 10:35 am
Posts: 45
Trusted Member

This is a build (10/6/4) I have wanted to try for a while and am contemplating TRing into soon.  I do have a question though on the enhancement selection and if I am blatantly missing something along the way.  I was thinking to do only 22 pts into the Arty tree, only enough to get endless fusilade.  I would also do 39 points into Rogue to get T5 goodness.  That would leave 18 points, 11 of which I would invest into Kensai to get strike with no thought (Core 3).  The remaining 7 would go into Harper for strategic combat, 2x toughness, and 2x KtA.

Question is, am I missing something by going this route of pulling 8 APs from Artificer?  I don't want to go into it and realized I gimped my build by missing something.  I am not very familiar with crossbow builds, so just wanted to ask to make sure.

Posted : 01/24/2019 12:49 pm
Posts: 505
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The minimum to get Endless Fusilade is 24 points.

27 points gets you Agility Engine which is 10% doubleshot while wearing a rune arm.  So yes you could give that up if you want.

You can easily take the 4 point from harper and put into Kensei.  I have 7 points in Harper for the harper leadership boost to summons, which I use a lot.

Take a look at the feat list and you can easily drop the augment summoning and Improve Augment summoning for weapon focus feats to boost your ranged power even more.


Posted : 01/24/2019 5:08 pm
Posts: 45
Trusted Member

Ok, so I am level 18 and I went 39 to Mechanic, 24 (I had to take T4 crossbow thing to get fusilade which is annoying) as well as the 11 for kensai core 3.  This will mean that I can only get exactly 1 rank into KtA, but with a high int, I am thinking the 6 points will be well spent, and pick up int to hit.  Just will be a little more sp to activate, but should not be an issue.

I was only able to run 2 quests last night as it took me what seemed to be forever to get my gear in place, but it feels like it will be pretty awesome.  What is not awesome is I will have to grind out Baba for volley; which I am not looking forward to.  So, maybe I will try to organize a late night Baba raid a few days after the one we have scheduled in guild.

Posted : 01/25/2019 10:08 am
Posts: 505
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Here is an updated version I would likely do if I did not use the augment summons feats.  This version would have more Ranged DPS.  

Special Note this build makes use of Scion of Ethereal plane.  Perma Blur, Invis guard and +1 sneak damage for every 3 points of Hide you have, and +4 to all skills.  This is a very nice boost to your DPS if you invest in the Hide skill and have it on your gear

DPS mech
10/6/4 Rogue/Fighter/Artificer
True Neutral Human

Level Order

1. Rogue           6. Fighter        11. Fighter        16. Fighter
2. Artificer       7. Fighter        12. Artificer      17. Rogue
3. Artificer       8. Rogue          13. Artificer      18. Rogue
4. Rogue           9. Rogue          14. Rogue          19. Rogue
5. Rogue          10. Fighter        15. Fighter        20. Rogue

               36pt     Tome     Level Up
               ----     ----     --------
Strength         8       +6       4: INT
Dexterity       16       +6       8: INT
Constitution    16       +6      12: INT
Intelligence    18       +6      16: INT
Wisdom           8       +6      20: INT
Charisma         8       +6      24: INT
                                 28: INT

          R  A  A  R  R  F  F  R  R  F  F  A  A  R  F  F  R  R  R  R
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Disable   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Open Lo   4  1  1  1  1  ½  ½  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Search    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Spot      4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Diplo     4        3  1           4              4              1  6  23
Hide      4                                   1  1     1  2  8  3  3  23
Swim      4  1  1  1  1        3  1        1  3  1  1     2  1  1  1  23
UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Bluff     4        3  1        1  3              5        2  1  1     21
Balance   4  1  1  1  1        3  1        3                 2        17
Tumble    4           2                                         7  1  14
Heal      2  ½  ½  ½  ½        1½ ½              ½        3½       1  11
Jump      4        1  3           1                          1        10
         52 10 10 15 15  9  9 16 16 10 10 13 13 17 11 12 18 18 18 18


 1        : Point Blank Shot
 1 Human  : Stealthy
 3        : Completionist
 6        : Rapid Shot
 6 Fighter: Dodge
 7 Fighter: Mobility
 9        : Precise Shot
11 Fighter: Precision
12        : Improved Critical: Ranged
13 Arti   : Weapon Focus: Ranged
15        : Improved Precise Shot
16 Fighter: Power Critical
18        : Weapon Specialization: Ranged
21 Epic   : Combat Archery
24 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
26 Destiny: Holy Strike
27 Epic   : Blinding Speed
28 Destiny: Doubleshot
29 Destiny: Harbinger of Chaos
30 Epic   : Shot on the Run
30 Legend : Scion of: Ethereal Plane

20 Rogue  : Improved Evasion


   1.   Conjure Bolts* (2),   Enchant Weapons* (2), Grease (3)
   2.   Admixture: Cure Moderate Wounds* (12), Bull's Strength (13)

Enhancements (80+12 AP)

Mechanic (39 AP)
    • Arbalester, Tanglefoot, Targeting Sights
         1. Sharpshooter, Lacerating Shots III, Mechanics III, Awareness III
         2. Sharpshooter, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
         3. Sharpshooter, Intelligence
         4. Sharpshooter, Fletching III, Intelligence
         5. Sharpshooter, Rapid Fire III, Sniper, Mechanical Reloader

Battle Engineer (27 AP)
    • Battle Engineer, Infused Weapons
         1. Crossbow Training, Field Engineer III
         2. Crossbow Training, Wracking Shot III, Extra Action Boost III
         3. Crossbow Training
         4. Crossbow Training, Endless Fusilade, Agility Engine III

Human (12 AP)
    • Damage Boost, Intelligence
         1. Improved Recovery, Don't Count Me Out II
         2. Sniper III
         3. Improved Recovery

Harper Agent (7 AP)
    • Agent of Good I
         1. Traveler's Toughness II, Strategic Combat
         2. Harper Leadership II

Kensei (7 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Crossbows
         1. Extra Action Boost III

Destiny (24 AP)

Legendary Dreadnought
   1. Extra Action Boost III, Constitution
   2. Damage Boost II, Constitution
   3. Critical Damage III, Constitution
   4. Constitution
   5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical, Constitution
   6. Master's Blitz

Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
   1. Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury)
   2. Otto's Whistler (Tier 3 Shiradi)
   3. Pin (Tier 2 Shiradi)
   4. Stay Frosty (Tier 1 Shiradi)
   5. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
Posted : 06/19/2019 11:15 am
Posts: 45
Trusted Member

As a suggestion, if you are going to run LD, you should take the pulverizer ability and either use a weapon that grants blunted ammo or use the epic purifying quiver that makes you ammo blunted.  you will benefit from the pulverizer ability while using ranged.  If you are running a bow using AA (which I know this is not) you can also use morphic arrows to accomplish the same.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Kluege
Posted : 06/21/2019 12:49 am
Posts: 505
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Topic starter
Posted by: Kluege

As a suggestion, if you are going to run LD, you should take the pulverizer ability and either use a weapon that grants blunted ammo or use the epic purifying quiver that makes you ammo blunted.  you will benefit from the pulverizer ability while using ranged.  If you are running a bow using AA (which I know this is not) you can also use morphic arrows to accomplish the same.

good suggestion, I had not considered that

Posted : 06/24/2019 4:16 pm