This is my reaper quest list that I'm using for my 1-20 racial lives. The quests I've chosen are based on a few considerations:
- XP/min
- Avoiding quests with NPC's or other quest objectives that cause failure if they die
- Getting house K, Coin Lord and Argo favor for tier 2 bank space, inventory bags and +10 hp
- Getting 1750 favor tome each life (can crunch into Purified Eberron Dragonshards if you don't need tome)
Each section will give you enough xp to level up a multilifer with the following xp bonuses:
- Ship buff
- Master's Gift
- Greater Tome of Learning
- VIP +10% xp
- Was running a 20% xp pot most of the time
- Incidental Monster Manual xp.
Added a section of quests I avoid and why at the bottom of the list
Why should you do reaper quests?
Beyond the fun, the challenge and improving your DDO skills, there is a practical reason to earn reaper xp if you are interested in making your toon more powerful because some reaper enhancements work outside of reaper mode. Most of the trees only work while in reaper mode, however tier 2-6 innate enhancements work outside of reaper mode, which is working as intended. There are significant benefits to be gained from this, including stat points, bonuses to hit and damage and melee and ranged power. The caster tree lets you earn up to 500 spell points that will function outside of reaper mode, as well as up to 6 universal spell power. The tank tree can give you up to 120 extra hit points, +2 to all saves and some bonuses to PRR, MRR and dodge. You also get a +95% bonus to regular xp for running a quest on reaper mode for the first time.
If you are new to reaper mode, you can check out a few resources:
- Gingerspyce's Reaper Survival Guide part 1
- Gingerspyce's Reaper Survival Guide part 2
- DDOcast episode 477 Tactics in Reaper Mode (I was a guest in this episode)
- DDOcast episode 478 Building for Reaper Mode
I just zerg R1's til I get to level 12, then I mostly zerg R4's for the remainder of heroics. Once I hit level 20, I follow Nimvind's 20-30 quick leveling routine (7 hours)
Once I am at cap, I do most legendary quests for big first time legendary reaper xp, which you can read more about here.
Level 1
Stealthy Repossession R1+E
Level 2
Information is Key
Durk's got a Secret
Recovering the Lost Tome
Walk the Butcher's Path
Kobold's New Ringleader R1+E
Level 3
Where there's Smoke
The Captives
Waterworks part 1-2
Level 4
If you are falling behind in xp then Catacombs
Level 5
Lost Gatekeepers chain
Saltmarsh if you like
If you are falling behind in xp then STK
Level 6
Waterworks part 3-4
Irestone Inlet
Here I start Three Barrel Cove early since the introduction of Feywild there is so much xp at that level, it is good to get the big xp from 3BC early and this way you can get through Feywild without hard capping xp.
Stones Run Red (Fire Caves part 1)
Brood of Flame (Fire Caves part 2)
If you are falling behind in xp then you can do Night Brigade, Depths, and Sharn Syndicate chain
Level 7
Ghost of a Chance
Legend of Two-Toed Tobias
Prove Your Worth (if traps won't be a problem for you)
Delera's part 1
- Make Believe
- Endless Revels
- A Frosty Reception
- Wake Me Up Inside
- Combatting Corruption
- Witch Hunt
- Legend of the Lost Locket
Run Lair of Summoning, Chamber of Insanity or Rerun 3bc on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 8
Troglodytes' Get (Garl's Tomb pt 1)
- Knight Who Cried Windmill
- The Thornwright
- Quid Pro Quo
- The Icemount Curse
- Needle in a Fey Stack
- Immortality Lessons
Run Ruined Halls Forgotten Caverns if you're falling behind in xp
Level 9
Isle of Dread
Run Pit, Gwylans, Tear of Dhakaan, Old Grey Garl (Garl's Tomb pt 2) Delera's part 2-3 if you're falling behind in xp
Level 10
Stromvauld's Mine
Xorian Cipher
Tharashk Arena (VON 1)
The Prisoner (VON 2)
Delera's part 4 (Thrall of the Necromancer)
Run Spies in the House if you are falling behind in xp or Rerun Xorian Cipher and Stromvauld's on elite. If you need a Mantle of the Worldshaper then run Threnal chain
Level 11
Jungle of Khyber (VON 3)
Haywire Foundry (VON 4)
Shadow Crypt (R1+E)
White Plume Mountain
Run Shadow Crypt H+N, or VON 3, WPM on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 12
Ravenloft chain 1
Sykros' Jewel
Vault of Night (VON 5-6)
Tempests Spine
Chamber of Rahmat
Ravenloft chain 2 or rerun TS on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 13
Sands of Menechtarun (Chamber of Kourush, Maraud the Mines, Purge the Fallen Shrine, Offering of Blood, Raid the Vulkoorim)
And the Dead Shall Rise
Ravenloft chain 2-3 or rerun any of the L13's on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 14
Chamber of Raiyum (Wiz King)
Relic of a Sovereign Past
Lordsmarch chain 1 (Diplomatic Impunity, Framework, Eyes of Stone)
Peril of the Planar Eyes (An Element of Chaos, Eye Know Whodunnit, Seizing the Dawn, Beautiful Nightmares)
Ravenloft chain 3 or Rerun Wiz King and Relic on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 15
Lordsmarch chain 2 (Assault on Summerfield, Blockade Buster, Undermine, Siegebreaker)
Gianthold walkups (Feast of Famine, Trial by Fire, Maze of Madness, Foundation of Discord, Cry for Help)
Rerun Gianthold on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 16
Gianthold 14's (Crucible, Cabal for One, Madstone Crater, Prison of the Planes, Gianthold Tor)
Necro 4 - Orchard of the Macabre (Fleshmaker's Laboratory, Desecrated Temple of Vol, Inferno of the Damned, Ghosts of Perdition)
Run Disciples of Rage chain or rerun Crucible or any GH or Necro 4 on elite if you're falling behind in xp
Level 17
Litany of the Dead R1+E
Sharn chain 1
- Sharn Welcome
- Red Rain
- Best Laid Plans
- Same Old Song
- Just Business
Cogs 15's
- Wraithcallers
- Ruinous Schemes
- Smash and Burn
- Thralls of the Fungus Lord
Lost at Sea
Rerun Litany H+N if you're falling behind in xp
Level 18
Sharn chain 2
- No Refunds
- House of Pain
- Blown Deadline
- Reach for the Sky
Cogs 16's
- Scavenger Hunt
- Security Detail
- Roll Call
- Magma Must Flow
Lords of Dust
Finish the LOD chain if you are falling behind in xp. If you are not level 20 by then continue with level 19's below...
Once I hit 20, I use Nimvind's Quick Level 20-30 Guide to get to level 29 in about 6 hours then start legendary questing for big reaper xp..
Level 19
The Weapons Shipment (if you need a Mysterious Bauble)
Dreaming Dark chain if you need a Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone (guaranteed random Ioun stone on every 3rd completion of the final quest on any difficulty)
Tower of Despair flaggers: Gen Point, New Invasion, Bastion, Sins if you need Yugoloth potions
Soulsplitter chain (Sharn docks)
The Shipwrecked Spy
Eye of the Titan
Reclaiming Memories
Mining for Ancient Secrets
Murder by Night
Wrath of the Flame
Sane Asylum
Quests I'm avoiding on reaper during my 1-20 racial lives and why...
Korthos - no reaper option
Tangleroot chain - no reaper option
Freshen the Air - too many casters, acid arrows very painful
Guard Duty - NPC's die too easily, causing failure
Slavers chain - too long unless you're farming for crafting ingredients
Temple of Elemental Evil - too long
Claw of Vulkoor - healing scorpions can make this too much of a pain in the ass
Bring me the Head of Ghola Fan - not worth the effort
Slavers of the Shrieking Mines - not worth the effort
Desert Caravan I was doing this one at first but stopped because it's nearly impossible to do on higher skulls due to caravans being destroyed. R2 not bad. R3 failed with full group due to caravans being destroyed. Champion caster Flame Strikes destroy caravans quickly.
Tomb of the Tormented - too long
Tomb of the Blighted - this was part of my regular routine for 20 lives but I don't do it any more because the high number of spawns and respawns can cause a ridiculous number of reapers.
From Beyond the Grave - gate gets destroyed too easily, causing failure
Spawn of Whisperdoom - not worth the effort, caster spiders acid arrows very painful
Invaders - not worth the effort. Thaarak Hound cyclonic blast very painful
Chains of Flame - this was part of my regular routine for 20 lives because I wanted to flag for the heroic raid but I don't do it any more because it's so long unless I want to flag for DQ.
Against the Demon Queen (pre raid) - this was part of my regular routine for 20 lives but I don't do it any more because it can run long and be mana intensive, plus I'm no longer including the heroic raid in my routine. DQ hits hard, recommend tank and healer. This one can be skipped and there's enough xp in the remaining 12's to level up.
Zawabi's Revenge (DQ raid) - do low skulls, DQ hits very hard on higher skulls. Recommend tank and healer. Skip this one if you don't need raid loot or don't want to run.
Blockade Buster - I do this sometimes but can be really rough when all lower deck mobs already aggro'd on you and waiting at the door when you enter.
In the Flesh - end fight can be painful
Ritual Sacrifice - NPC dies too easily. Do low skulls and have heals on NPC. Party needs to run ahead of NPC to keep aggro off him.
Let Sleeping Dust Lie - Do low skulls, higher skulls can be difficult to protect Lycosa (spider queen) since she can die instantly from champion ogre triple hits. Have heals on Lycosa.
Running with the Devils - Do low skulls unless you have good dps for Eladrin sub boss.
Mask of Deception - no reaper option
Enter the Kobold - Do low skulls to avoid the end fight being painful
Stealer of Souls - not worth the effort
In the Demon's Den - not worth the effort
Schemes of the Enemy - not worth the effort. R3 end fight mob spawns insane, reapers can spawn whenever new orbs spawn. ina and I had to give up. Need full group and ranged dps
A New Invasion - Do low skulls R1-2 or end fight can get crazy.