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Nim Notes 2/24/2023

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Posts: 294
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Lucky's Lounge Website:
U58 Notes:
U58.1 Notes:
17th Anniversary Read:


Nim Notes


Freebie Code for the Anniversary event is: PARTYFAVOR


Fridays @ 4:


- The After Party Meet-Up for PAX East will be on March 23rd at 6 (6:30) pm to 9 pm eastern at Lucky's Lounge (link above) There will be a 75 person limit and a RSVP will be release. Keep an eye and ear out for this RSVP in the near future. Community Meetup: Thursday, March 23rd, exact time TBD but early evening.
Where: Lucky's Lounge, 355 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210


- There may be an extension to the Anniversary Event, more news to be anounced later.


- They are working on the bug that got Transfers taken down, more information soon on when they will be up and the new end date on the free transfers to Sarlona and Orien.


- there is some plans on the work for DDO to celebrate the D&D movie. Not a big movie promo give away, but there will be something to catch on the hype of the movie. SSG will be seeing the movie together.


- You will not be killing Vecna in the mini expansion, he will be there though.


- Reaper Changes are just in the discussion phase, nothing actually being worked on yet.


- Dex Damage applied to bows is bugged, fix should come in the next couple of weeks.


- Dev guest next Fridays @ 4!


- Tuesday Evening Cordovan will have a short Anniversary stream for DDO's 17th Anniversary!





- The Anniversary Event is available through March 5th! Free Armor cosmetic at the genie in House P, granted daily.


- DDO Bonus Days bring you +20% Heroic and Epic XP, now through March 1st!


- The Wish of Inheritance has returned for a limited time! Find it in the DDO Store through March 5th.


- Happy 17th Anniversary Dungeons & Dragons Online! Find discounts on select expansions in the DDO Market through March 5th:
25% off Isle of Dread
25% off Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
50% off Fables of the Feywild
75% off Masterminds of Sharn
75% off DDO Expansion Trove


- Available for a limited time: Otto's Boxes! Find Heroic, Epic, and Improved Otto's Boxes in the DDO Store through March 5th!


- Double Bonus Points is back! Get twice the Bonus Points in the DDO Store through March 5th!


- Store More Loot! Get 20% off: Select Character Banks Select Shared Banks, Deposit Box space and Plat Storage Select Inventory Space Select Bags Now through March 2nd!



This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Maistir Nimvind
Posted : 02/24/2023 6:05 pm