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Nim Notes 12/1/2023

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Nim Notes



Weekly Coupon
Free Wand of False Life
Coupon Code: FALSELIFE
Now through December 7th!


Fridays @ 4


- Next weeks U65 update will increase to double the drop rate for cards for the deck of many curses, cards will also be in the Legendary Sagas.


- New Cookies for Festivult! Risia is hinted to be a desirable pick.


-  Cordovan thinks Festivult for Hardcore is fine. Just no weekend bonuses.


- Wont be a Fridays @ 4 next week! Daybreak and SSG going hard on planning for 2024.


- Cordovan is the DM for the new dungeon releasing next week, which will be located in marketplace right outside House P entrance.


- Some Behind the Scenes work is being done in the DDO Store, they are making it so it wont show the username in the store front in the internal game DDO Store for streamers not have that information display. No ETA.





- Episode 7 of The Joy of Deving w/Bob Hess is now on YouTube!


- Follow Your Passion! Get 20% off: Select Enhancement Trees, Select Cosmetic Outfits, Select Cloaks, Select Hair Dyes Now through December 7th!


- DDO Bonus Days! DDO Bonus Days bring you a Buddy Weekend through December 3rd! Get +10% XP for every additional member in your party (not raid group)!


- Determine Your Discount! Save up to 30% now through December 7th! 15% off any 5 items with code SAVE15, 20% off any 3 items with code SAVE20, 30% off any 1 items with code SAVE30!


- Coin drops for Festivult have begun! The Jester of Festivult arrives December 7th and will remain in-game through January 14th! Coins drop through January 7th.


- The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Thursday, November 30th from 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) to release Update 64: Chronoscope Rewound. Read the release notes on



Posted : 12/01/2023 4:58 pm