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Someone asked for a melee build for many past lives, so I thought I'd share my 'forever'-reincarnating dragonlord. Well not forever, but I've been doing 15 or so lives with it already, and still have 30 to go.

18 Strength
18 Constitution
11 Dex
9 Int
(chaotic neutral)

1: THF + Tactical Aura
2: Power Attack (I prefer this over Precision for 1-19)  
3: Dodge  
4: Mobility  
6: iTFH + Whirlwind  
8: Damage Aura
9: Stunning Blow (I still use a keen weapon at 9)   
10: Improved Critical  
12: gTHF + 6 Tactical DC  
14: Heavy Armor 12 PRR/MRR
15: Heavy Armor 9 PRR/MRR  
16: MP Aura
18: 8 Tactical DC + Weapon Focus
20: Weapon Specialization

At 20, featswap Power Attack to Precision (this is the reason for 11 dex, so you can do that with a lvl2 feat)  
21: Overwhelming Critical
22: pTHF
24: Patience
25: Doublestrike (well this is controversial. Crush Weakness is also great and you can't get both eventually)
27: Greater Weapon Specialization
28: Harbinger of Chaos (better than doublestrike or crush weakness)

Enhancements: with a useless race I do:
41 Dragonlord 
31 Stalwart Defender 
7 Ravager (3x power attack, 2x extra action)
3 Harper (at least 1 for an easy +1dmg, but if you have 2 universal points, also take tier1 +1 enhancement bonus to weapon)
But your race usually offers something better, in that case stick to 25 stalwart defender (10% HP, 10% runspeed, 6 con)

6 points in jump
max tumble
from level 5 onwards, max umd
with 9 int, an +8 tome with increases will conveniently get tumble to 23 and umd to 11 like this.

I tend to look for best layouts with obtainable items... so this does not include deadly11 rings at level 14 or old cannith crafted 10% alacrity trinkets at level 1 or moderate fortification ring at level 3. or items that are best-in-slot because of insane mythic/reaper/curse bonuses, or combinations.
However, for cannith crafting, I do advise to roll a curse on a doubleslotted item blank before actually crafting everything on it. I got 2 imbue dice on one and 5 melee power on another and decided to use them for my ML15 layout.
weapon: ML1 Falchion 1d6 Good / Keen, slotted: 1d6 Acid / 1d6 Electric  
neck: Contemplation
gloves: ML1 Doublestrike / Armorpiercing  
goggles: ML1 Blindness Immunity / True Seeing  
cloak: Furor's Hide
bracers: Spear Bane
-master's gift (in goggles)
weapon: ML1 Falchion 1d6 Good / Keen, slotted: 1d6 Acid / 1d6 Electric  
armor: Ship-Mage's Attire  
neck: Lizardfolk Tooth Necklace  
gloves: ML1 Doublestrike / Armorpiercing (technically the ML2 is better but whatever)  
head: Crystal Cove hat with false life 10 (and tumble +5)  
boots: Crocodile Skin Boots  
belt: Myriad Pockets  
goggles: ML1 Blindness Immunity / True Seeing  
cloak: Sailcloth Cloak  
bracers: Saltiron Bracers  
trinket: Crocodile Tooth  
ring: Ring of the Stalker ML3    
ring: Ethereal Ring  
-master's gift (in goggles)
weapon: ML4 Falchion 2d6 Good / Keen, slotted: 2d6 Acid / 2d6 Electric  
armor: Winter Solstice  
neck: Amber Pendant  
gloves: ML5 Doublestrike / Armorpiercing  
head: Butterflies  
boots: Severlin's Leaden Boots
belt: Belt of the Ram
goggles: ML5 Sabotaging / Accuracy
cloak: Cloak of Winter
bracers: Cold Iron Bracers
trinket: upgraded Pale Blue Ioun Stone 
ring: Nocturne Ring
ring: Lionheart Ring
-master's gift (in butterflies)
weapon: you can keep using the ML4 falchion, or use blackrazor at 9
armor: Firemouth's Bulwark
neck: Pendant of the Sky
gloves: Claw
head: Butterflies
boots: Gumshoes
belt: Belt of the Ram
goggles: Eternal Flameguard
cloak: Dread Stalker
bracers: Admiral's
trinket: ML8 GoMF: True Seeing / Spell Saves [claw + whatever]
ring: Flame and Frost
ring: Ring of Power
-master's gift (in butterflies)
-false life
-resistance 4
-protection 4
-natural armor 5
-feather falling
-defense 12
-heavy fort
-tumble 10
-blindness immunity
-stun 6
weapon: ML10 falchion 3d6 Good / 3d6 Slash / 1d2 Vampirism, slotted: 3d6 Acid / 3d6 Electric (better than SoS)
armor: Mist-laden vestment  
neck: Hyena Claw (windlasher)
gloves: Crumbling
head: Butterflies
boots: Flightfoot greaves
belt: Braided cutcord
goggles: Raven's sight (raven)
cloak: Shadowhail
bracers: Lore-fueled packbanner
trinket: ML11 GoMF: Doublestrike / True Seeing / iSTR [Raven + Windlasher]
ring: Perfect Pinnacle
ring: Cursebane
-master's gift (in butterflies)
(*honestly, this layout is not even that much better than the level8 one. no belt of the ram for instance, and without heavy armor you put points in vistani instead of stalwart)
weapon: ML15 falchion 4d6 Good / 4d6 Slash / 2d2 Vampirism, slotted: 4d6 Acid / 4d6 Electric
armor: Family
neck: Family
gloves: Family
head: Butterflies
boots: Greaves of Seasons' Warding [LUNAR]
belt: Belt of the Ram
goggles: ML15 sabotaging / alacrity / iSeeker
cloak: Cloak of the Crownblade [SOLAR]
bracers: ML15 crafted str8 / iStr 3 / iPRR
trinket: ML15 doublestrike / stun9 / iMRR 
ring: Ring of the stalker ML15
ring: Band of Insightful Commands
[SOLAR]: artifact 1 imbue dice  
[LUNAR]: profane 5 melee power  
-master's gift (in butterflies)
-feather fall
-defense 16
-accuracy 10
-demonheart emerald
-blindness immunity
weapon: eSoS
armor: Family
neck: Family
gloves: Family
head: Butterflies
boots: Greaves of Seasons' Warding [LUNAR]
belt: Belt of the Ram
goggles: Epic sandstorm glasses (scavenger)
cloak: University duelist's
bracers: ML20 spellsaves8 / iStr4 / iPRR11
trinket: ML20 GoMF stun11 / doublestrike11 / iSeeker [concord+scavenger]
ring: epic ring of the stalker
ring: epic silver concord (concord)
with slotted:
[LUNAR]: profane 5 melee power  
-master's gift (in butterflies)
-feather fall
-extra action boost
- suckerpunch/one against many 2STR 4MP
- suckerpunch 5MP  
- one against many 5MP  
- dreadbringer 5MP  

- dreadbringer STR  

- dreadbringer Tactics (+rare 2MP)  

- dreadbringer PRR  
- dreadbringer AC  
- long shadow 5MP
- long shadow atk/dmg
This topic was modified 4 months ago 3 times by Rull
Posted : 10/30/2024 6:36 am