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U45 tank

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Raid/high reaper tank.  Let me know what you think.


U45 tank
14/5/1 Fighter/Artificer/Wizard
True Neutral Aasimar

Level Order

1. Fighter         6. Fighter        11. Artificer      16. Fighter
2. Fighter         7. Wizard         12. Artificer      17. Fighter
3. Fighter         8. Artificer      13. Fighter        18. Fighter
4. Fighter         9. Artificer      14. Fighter        19. Fighter
5. Fighter        10. Artificer      15. Fighter        20. Fighter

               36pt     Tome     Level Up
               ----     ----     --------
Strength        16       +8       4: CON
Dexterity       10       +8       8: CON
Constitution    18       +8      12: CON
Intelligence     8       +8      16: CON
Wisdom          17       +8      20: CON
Charisma         8       +8      24: CON
                                 28: CON

          F  F  F  F  F  F  W  A  A  A  A  A  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Intim     4  1  1  1  1  1                    1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2  23
UMD                            5  5  3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Balance                              1  2  2                           5
Jump         1  1  1  1  1                                             5
          4  2  2  2  2  2  0  5  5  5  5  5  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
Max       4  2  2  2  2  2  3  5  5  5  5  5  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4


 1        : Toughness
 1 Fighter: Shield Mastery
 2 Fighter: Two Handed Fighting
 3        : Completionist
 4 Fighter: Heavy Armor Training
 6        : Heavy Armor Combatant
 6 Fighter: Improved Two Handed Fighting
 7 Wizard : Extend Spell
 9        : Dodge
11 Arti   : Improved Critical: Slashing
12        : Construct Essence
14 Fighter: Greater Two Handed Fighting
15        : Improved Shield Mastery
16 Fighter: Heavy Armor Master
18        : Combat Expertise
18 Fighter: Mobility
20 Fighter: Heavy Armor Champion
21 Epic   : Construct Exemplar
24 Epic   : Epic Toughness
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
28 Destiny: Elusive Target
29 Destiny: Deific Warding
30 Epic   : Blinding Speed
30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Water

 1 Aasimar: Bond of the Protector


   1.   Enchant Armor* (8),   Enchant Weapons* (8),   Admixture: Cure Light Wounds* (9)
   2. <Any>, <Any>
   1. Jump (7), Shield (7), Detect Secret Doors (7)

Enhancements (80+8 AP)

Stalwart Defender (33 AP)
    • Toughness, Stalwart Defense, Overbalance, Stand Fast
         1. Durable Defense III, Stalwart Defensive Mastery III, Threatening Countenance III
         2. Resilient Defense III, Stalwart Shield Mastery III, Armor Expertise III
         3. Hardy Defense III, Constitution
         4. Swift Defense, Reinforced Armor III, Constitution

Renegade Mastermaker (33 AP)
    • Renegade Defender, Alchemical Shield
         1. Cure Light Admixture III, Easily Fixed, Supporting Construction III, Toughness III
         2. Armor Mastery III
         3. Reinforced Armor III, Constitution
         4. Reconstruct III, Embed Component III, Constitution
         5. Forcefield: Automatic, Paragon Body

Aasimar (18 AP)
    • Stronger Bonds, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds II, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds III
         1. Fight the Wicked, True Resilience III, Improved Recovery
         2. (none)
         3. Improved Recovery
         4. Divine Form, Improved Recovery

Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (4 AP)
    • Eldritch Strike
         1. Improved Mage Armor III

Destiny (24 AP)

Unyielding Sentinel
   1. Energy Resistance III, Shield Prowess III
   2. Legendary Shield Mastery III
   3. Healing Hands, Endless Lay On Hands III
   4. Light the Dark
   5. Hardened III, Strength of Vitality III
   6. Undying Vanguard

Twists of Fate (23 fate points)
   1. Meld into Darkness (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
   2. Imp. Combat Expertise (Tier 2 Dreadnought)
   3. Ephemeral Evolution (Tier 1 Primal)
   4. Draconic Presence (Tier 1 Draconic)
   5. Impregnable Mind (Tier 1 Magister)
Posted : 03/24/2020 2:40 pm
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

Hi Rydd, 

Thank you for posting this build.

Is the Reinforced Armor for melee speed? 

Aasimar seems optimal with its Healing Hands, Heal Amp, and other goodies.  If you're on the Racial TR train, what other races might work here?


Posted : 03/25/2020 11:31 am
Posts: 8
Active Member
Topic starter

The reinforced armor is for 30% AC from armor.

Other races are likely fine.  Its my first tank in a few years.  Mostly copying bolo.


Posted : 04/01/2020 12:33 pm