20-30 quick leveling routine (7 hours)
(20% xp pot) *Not Required but helps.
1. collect heroic sagas at 20 (Feywild, Ravenloft, Gianthold, Sharn, Cogs)
2. King's Forest slayers (Grim Disturbance) Video: How to Find Grim Disturbance
farm the swamp for GD - have at least 4 members in group for max spawns
7500 slayers in 1 hour (200% slayer pot)
Level 22
NOTE: Grim Disturbance is not currently producing infinite respawns and so we have replace this portion with Legendary Saltmarsh slayers (3000).
3. 6 Eveningstar CR30 challenges
1 hour+
Level 23 (2 hours total)
4. Zerg R1 epic leveling dailies for first time xp
Lords of Dust, Offering of Blood, Spies in the House (max level 25 for bravery/delving bonus)
Wiz King, VON 3-4 (max level 26 for bravery/delving bonus)
Epic 2-Toed Tobias (max level 29 for bravery/delving bonus)
Epic Deleras, Through a Mirror Darkly, What Goes Up (no max level for bravery/delving bonus)
Other big epic xp quests include Crucible (max 28 for bravery/delving bonus)
2 hours
Level 25 (4 hours total)
5. Epic Orchard Slayers (200% slayer pot)
7500 kills in 1 hour - have at least 4 members in group for max spawns
Level 27 (5 hours total)
6. Barovia Slayers (200% slayer pot)
Downhill run from Amber Temple - have at least 4 members in group for max spawns
7500 kills in 1 hour
level 28.5 (6 hours total)
7. Epic Saltmarsh Slayers (use the remainder of your 200% slayer pot) farm rares for sentient xp, star and nebula fragments. Video: A Tour of Saltmarsh Rares
3000 slayers in 20-30 mins
Level 29
8. Thunderholme Slayers (200% slayer pot)
7500 kills in 1 hour - have at least 6-8? members in group for max spawns
Level 30 (7 hours total)
Once you are at cap, I recommend doing as many first time legendary reaper quests as possible for big first time reaper xp. More about legendary reaper questing here.
Me and Jintus went from 20-30 in about 7 hours, I am pretty sure we had a 50% pot going, but not sure and we did before there was 120% reaper bonus.
LOD Chain
VON 1-4
C1, C2 and DDTW (Don't drink the Water), C3, Druids Chain, Highroads, Stormhorns, pick up all 4 epic sagas. Bam done!!!!
If I am not remembering something then it should get you close enough that some filler quest should top it off and like I said this was before reaper so if you do R1, that extra 40% XP per quest should do it
Note this was done on an iconic toon that did not do LOD Chain, VON 1-4 or spies at heroic so was able to get full BB for each of those on Epic.