Look at cake #13 and tell me that doesn't look familiar. : ) Actually, look at all the cakes, they are really cool Dungeons and dragons cakes. 🙂 Just 13 in particular caught my eye and made me share.
#13 is nothing short of breathtaking!! I want it!! 😀
I about fell outta my chair when I saw it. I think I have the minis for everything but the pillars. Could always get coddex to sculpt them outta fondant for me I guess. He's done some light sculpting in high school art, I can't sculpt a beleivable blob.
I about fell outta my chair when I saw it. I think I have the minis for everything but the pillars. Could always get coddex to sculpt them outta fondant for me I guess. He's done some light sculpting in high school art, I can't sculpt a beleivable blob.
lol I actually have those pillars. They are from a Master Maze set.
@vooduspyce So if I ever get ambitious enough to bake THAT MUCH cake, we'll have to comine our mini's collection! 🙂