So I had an idea today, I usually watch the livestream and post news as I hear it from the official DDO stream on Wednesdays. But what if I post it in one thread and give a link to the guild or whomever so I won't cloud up the chat? Well here it is. I Will be posting here my notes of the ddo news here every Wednesday, so you don't have to watch the whole stream to nab bits of hints and news. Starting..... NOW!
About Sharn: Pre purchases for the bundle still has no specific date, but will be in March. So keep an eye out!
About Lamania: Right now till Thursday there is a preview for iconic and heroic tiefling and as well the new universal tree the Inquisitive! Also Dev meet up tonight in Lami Land!
About DDO's Birthday: Here, bookmark this page! for the next 13 weeks there will be 13 codes posted on Thursday for the freebie gift, every thursday a new variant of the original which will be given tomorrow. Why 13 codes? Well each code is 1 per account and if you want 1 per server of the BTA freebie then you can do that. Why codes? So you can choose to skip variants that you either dont like or have space for. So please bookmark the page, it is also posted in the Highlords Guild message of the day!
About the Anniversary event: Like last year when Ravenloft was the recent expansion, there was things in the event that left clues and hints and or just was Ravenloft themed or aimed; So has the pattern carried to this year! Spoilers for the story arc and such of Sharn are placed in the Traveller's Brochure and the Mysterious Device placed by the Cordovan boss fight in the anniversary event challenge. Peep it if you like, but if you dont wanna know then stay cleario cos some hints are visual and not just textual.
About the Devs: Tomorrow, starting with the European Servers, Cordovan will be hopping around servers to drop gifts like he did last year. Keep an eye out 😀
Cordovan hint of the week: I hear good news for the future for those who have inventory issues...
Catch you all next wednesday with some quick notes of news!
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
Good stuff Nim!
Also, in case anyone doesn't know, Nimvind has his own Youtube channel now and is doing a tutorial series of Ravenloft quests.
Nim's channel:
2/28/2019Anniversary Stream!
On the Producer's Letter: Still in process
On An Error On My Part: So I said there will be 13 codes every Thursday for the next 13 weeks, well I was wrong lol. Misunderstood. It's 1 code every thursday for the next 13 weeks, and the gift is a cloak representing each house of eberron. (BTA)
On Cordovan with Severlin: A raid will come with Sharns release, then a new Sharn raid will be added after release (much like Ravenloft).
"When you're in the cogs you'll find adventures outside the story line" -Severlin (Cordovan kinda hinted this will be like random events/rares in King's forrest)
Keep on the Boarder Lands (An alternative to starting Chain Korthos for experienced players) [Higher level version will also be included] This wont be a starting point but a new low level chain that you can do besides Korthos.
Palemaster is going to be looked at next for passes, Severlin wants them to not be punished in healing when in reaper. (No date given not during Sharn for sure) Also Savant trees based spells will be tweaked for more power. Severlin hears Sorcs cries for more spell points.
Severlin will be revisiting Reaper Mode so more classes can shine, he will also like to add more Reapers to Reaper Mode as well. "A reaper better to kill last" They want to change our tactics up a bit in reaper. They also want to help tanks be able to tank outside of just spamming intimidate.
Isle of dread will not be the classical module, Keep on the Borderland will be the classic module, isle of dread will be next though.
This is part 1 of the anniversary stream post. stay tune for more Nim Notes
About Cordovan talk with Tolero: Minor Artifact. Tolero mentions its like sentient jewels but it's not sentient and it goes on like armor and helms, and also takes filigrees.
Nim Notes 3/5/2019
On the Producer's Letter:
Update 43: An Adventure Pack based in Sharn will be released after the Sharn Expansion! This will be free to VIP and does NOT require you to own the expansion to run.
Update 44: A New class is mentioned to be released in this later on update.
Update 45: Keep on the Bordrlands will be released with some extra adventures, similar to White Plume Mountain. So expect Keep with atleast 4ish other quests on this later on in 2019 and maybe even a bonus pack with some fun cosmetics like White Plume Mountain had.
In General: Work will be done on Epic Destinies, focusing on some destinies in particular. A New racial variant (Hoping for half elf or pdk to fix their ugly) and last but not least some work on Knight of the Chalice (Which I'm assuming is going to be done sometime towards the end of the year since they still also do some fixing on pale master sorc savants and such too this year.)
Nim Notes 3/5/2019
The Player's Alliance's DDO Player's interview with Cordovan and Severlin!
On Filigrees: Severlin mentioned there will be new sets/ upgraded sets and possibly one more slot for sentient weapon gems.
On Artifacts: A new supplement system for filigree sets that will work along side your sentient gem. Still identical filigrees wont stack benefits but you can for instance finish a set started in a gem with your artifact filigrees. Artifacts will level like sentient gems but takes a lot less to level them since they arent able to be moved like sentient gems, as in you can't slot an artifact to an item (they made it sound like artifacts are items with filigree slots in them so you cant make your named loot an artifact like you could make a named weapon sentient, it's an item on it's own.) Also only one of these items can be equipped at a time. But you can carry your inventory different artifacts but they cant be equipped simultaneously.
On Sentient Gems: They are farm from making gems for us to plug in weapons, Severlin mentions he knows the same old voices will get boring and how he enjoys having new voice work done, so expect new gems to appear with different voices and personalities to come!
On Classical Pack: So we now know it's Keep on the Borderlines but also in this interview I heard Severlin mention Caves of Chaos, is this a clue to the other dungeons coming alongside our classic pack?
On New MONSTERS!: They have confirmed with Sharn there will be Goblins and that now that they have Goblins they plan to use em! He also relayed on new characters and other monsters will be coming, but they are keeping hush on what exactly they are or whom they are. They also mention a desire for dinosaurs in DDO but expressed how much animating work they want focused for it before releasing it, glad to know they dont want to just reskin a rust monster and call it a T-rex! they actually want dinosaurs with dinomations.
The Sharn Pack: There will be a pack set in Sharn after the expansion, wont require you to own the expansion to run and will be free to VIP peoples. Most likely cos they are really loving Sharn and just in case they cant fit all the Sharn goodies in the expansion they will have an excuse to fit it in later in a pack.
On Destinies: The Epic Destiny fix will come in 2-3 waves of general minor fixes to most the destinies. Basically a wide fix, then one to two reworks after.
On Variant Races: Most older races will be getting a new variant in the future. We will be getting one this year, but some races will just get a straight fix. Severlin Mentioned Hal Elf will be getting a straight outright do over because there is some things about them that is technically broken aesthetically.
On Reaper Mode: Tanks need to be able to keep threat outside of intimidate, because some mobs can't be intimidated. Charm is too powerful, severlin will like to see the augment summoning and other similar buffs to hirelings and such be stripped from charmed mobs so they arent too powerful. He doesn't like that charms go over the strength of a players toon. Different reapers possibly in different skulls, like r6 and up will have more and different reapers than 1-5 skulls. These are just thoughts stated from Severlin, these aren't guaranteed to be what happens for reaper modes future.
On Sharn: What makes this expansion different than Ravenloft is there is going to be Story and Non Story quests. No details were given to what that means due to the preview of these quests coming really soon. like really soon.
On Tielfings: The guy who animated their tails also is the wizard who did cloaks! BTW this preview isnt the final say on their looks and animations, they will be refined several more times.
On General Stuff: Severlin says they like to add races, so that will be something to look forward to. He also said he wants to get packs to add to Ravenloft and Faerun (Forgotten Realms). He said he might want to do a Day of Devs in the forums to see what small tasks they can find from what we want they can do, nothing that will require too much work on their end, so maybe some UI changes? Severlin said he would love to add psionics to the game, but it is such a huge mechanic that he would want it to be huge overhaul that would come with like two psionic classes, also the fact that they have to figure a way to differ it from magic in ddo mechanics in a way to make it appealing to us the players.
Nim Notes (Wednesday Livestream) 3/6/2019
Anniversary Event will be running till the 14th.
Weekly Bonus: Double daily dice xp, xp stones recieved in daily dice is doubled in the amount of xp given. (7th-10th)
Weekly Bonus 2: +10% Heroic and Epic xp! (7th-13th)