Nimvind Special
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Nimvind Special

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Nimvind Special
Bard 20
True Neutral Halfling

               36pt     Tome     Level Up
               ----     ----     --------
Strength         7       +7       4: CHA
Dexterity       13       +7       8: CHA
Constitution    18       +7      12: CHA
Intelligence     8       +7      16: CHA
Wisdom           8       +7      20: CHA
Charisma        18       +7      24: CHA
                                 28: CHA

          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Perform   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Concent   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Jump      4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Tumble       1  1  1  2  2  3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
Heal                           1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1½ 1  ½  ½  ½     11
Swim                                                   1  2  2  2  3  10
Balance   4  1  1  1                                                   7
         20  6  6  6  6  6  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  8  8  8  8  8  8


 1        : Single Weapon Fighting
 3        : Completionist
 6        : Past Life: Barbarian
 9        : Improved Single Weapon Fighting
12        : Quicken Spell
15        : Greater Single Weapon Fighting
18        : Improved Critical: Piercing
21 Epic   :
24 Epic   :
26 Destiny:
27 Epic   :
28 Destiny:
29 Destiny:
30 Epic   :
30 Legend :


   1. Otto's Resistible Dance, Grease, Focusing Chant, Merfolk's Blessing, Cure Light Wounds
   2. Blur, Suggestion, Rage, Invisibility, Cure Moderate Wounds
   3. Charm Monster, Displacement, Haste, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic
   4. Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Otto's Sphere of Dancing, Cure Critical Wounds, Break Enchantment
   5. Mass Suggestion, Greater Heroism, Mind Fog, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Shadow Walk
   6. Mass Charm Monster, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Heroes' Feast

Enhancements (80+8 AP)

Swashbuckler (41 AP)
    • Confidence, Swashbuckling, Uncanny Dodge, Panache, Roll with the Punches
         1. On Your Toes III, Blow By Blow: Melee III
         2. En Pointe III, Fast Movement
         3. Elegant Footwork, Skirmisher, Smooth Flourishes, Charisma
         4. On the Mark III, Low Blow, Charisma
         5. Second Skin III, Exploit Weakness, Coup de Grace: Melee

Warchanter (33 AP)
    • Skaldic: Constitution, Weapon Training, Song of Heroism, Fighting Spirit, Victory Song
         1. Rough and Ready III, Focused III
         2. Iced Edges III
         3. Ironskin Chant III, Frozen Fury III, Charisma
         4. Reckless Chant III, Northwind III, Charisma

Halfling (8 AP)
    • Halfling Luck
         1. Acrobatic III, Cunning I
         2. Nimble Reaction III

Spellsinger (4 AP)
    • Spellsinger
         1. Lingering Songs III

Harper Agent (2 AP)
    • Agent of Good I
         1. Traveler's Toughness I

Leveling Guide
   1. Hlf0 Halfling Luck; Hlf1 Acrobatic I, II, III; Hlf1 Cunning I; Hlf2 Nimble Reaction I, II, III; Swa0 Confidence; Swa1 Blow By Blow: Melee I, II, III
   2. Swa1 On Your Toes I, II; Swa2 En Pointe I, II
   3. Swa0 Swashbuckling; Swa2 En Pointe III; Swa3 Smooth Flourishes
   4. Swa3 Skirmisher; Swa3 Elegant Footwork
   5. Swa2 Fast Movement; Swa1 On Your Toes III; Swa3 Charisma
   6. Swa4 Low Blow; Swa0 Uncanny Dodge; Swa4 Charisma
   7. Swa4 On the Mark I, II
   8. Swa4 On the Mark III; War0 Skaldic: Constitution; War1 Rough and Ready I
   9. War1 Rough and Ready II, III; War1 Focused I; War0 Weapon Training
  10. War2 Iced Edges I, II, III; War1 Focused II
  11. War0 Song of Heroism; War3 Ironskin Chant I, II, III
  12. War3 Frozen Fury I, II, III
  13. War3 Charisma; War1 Focused III; War0 Fighting Spirit; War4 Reckless Chant I
  14. War4 Reckless Chant II, III; War4 Northwind I
  15. War4 Northwind II, III
  16. War4 Charisma; Spl0 Spellsinger; Spl1 Lingering Songs I
  17. Spl1 Lingering Songs II, III; Hrp0 Agent of Good I; Hrp1 Traveler's Toughness I
  18. Swa0 Panache; Swa0 Roll with the Punches; Swa5 Second Skin I
  19. Swa5 Second Skin II, III
  20. Swa5 Exploit Weakness; Swa5 Coup de Grace: Melee; War0 Victory Song

Hopefully I did this right, this is pretty much all the stuff, maybe not in the exact order. Though this ought to give you insight on the chaos of Nimvind.

Posted : 05/11/2018 3:54 pm